Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Welcome! I love this month! it is going to be a nice one! :-) I can feel the breeze already.
Have a great day!

February 29

definitely a special day. Because tomorrow is March and March is a month of wind, changes, cold, warm, storms, tornados, wild weather that I love. Today was a special day for many reasons: for having read about close friends,  for having had a wonderful day with the kids. A day with laughs, games, kisses, water color, pinkpanther laughs, sweet warm times, memories. And it was a windy partly cloudy day too, all matters. Feeling close but far, always a combination. 2016 where will we be on this date? hope closer to my dreams than now.
Thank you writers, thank you books, thank you music, thank you artists, thank you friends and family for making life so much better. Some days the words flow out of my fingers, today is not one of them.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Hi! I managed to scape 1/2 hour to go in a quiet room and do some yoga postures... I felt great! forgot how good for the body and soul this is. Do it! do it! everything about yoga is positive: exercise muscles, quiet time, peaceful moments to listen to yourself and body. Hope to do it again tomorrow and the day after and the day after.... for myself, I deserve it! smiles! ;-)

Friday, February 24, 2012


surprise reading this morning! you are there! :-) what a special smily moment I had. My heart beats more. The sunshine today is warm and wonderful... finally after a long winter here in Greece! really! all is relative.
Still stuck on these moments that really make  a life, moments that make decisions, that make sense out of all the mess...Happyness is a big word... but perhaps these fast seconds, moments of warmth are it.
That 'Soak up the Sun' song really cheers me up every time! Life is here now. Thoughts of the foggy then sunny Montery mornings... such special times, people, memories, music, waves, food, working out and feeling great. Still in my mind as if it was yesterday. Hope.

Monday, February 20, 2012


"I'm crackers about cheese" Wallace and Grommit. We love it.
Back at home... it feels good. After all despite so many things I dislike here, our home is not one of them. Very important. And it is because it is our little big home. Beautiful views of sunrise that make the start of the day fresh and feeling lucky. A piece of sea  peaks through the window, a big mountain towards the south: blue, with its varying colours, shades, clouds, fogs, snow, it is different everyday. It is freezing cold though... but only a couple of month of the year. The kids are happy here, space, big balcony, after all that is the most important.
How could it be that sometimes we just have an instinct about something. Just a couple of seconds it's plenty to have that gut feeling and we don't need to think it further.... can we trust that? or... should we give it another chance to change our mind?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Road Trip

Once again, road trip to Thessaloniki. They always made me feel, think, silence, views passing by quickly, quiet times, looking forward and yet feeling the past all around. Songs that take you to the past. ... feeling melancholic... sad.... Were you the same person back then? It feels so different. Another life. Another planet. Another era... yet it was just a few years back.
My views now are breathtaking, the port of Thessaloniki, the fog in the distance allows to barely see the commercial ships anchored for the night. My favorite thing to do here is to take a walk, alone, with my music. Getting ready for it.... lucky!

Monday, February 13, 2012


politics... never been a great fan of politics. Just voted for Obama, democrat/green/peace/bio. Don't want to talk about Greece.
I feel close to US. I felt heart pain for Whitney. Try to follow the news in my continent as much as possible. I feel it all affects me, it is part of me. Yet I am here, far away, not only in another continent but in a different planet with androids walking around.... yeah.. I am tired... one day.. I know the day will come.
Today the sun came out after about 2 weeks of clouds/rain/snow. I felt the sun in my face, warm, light, alive! my kids danced and I smiled. Is that it?
Had some thoughts to share.. but now.. I forgot!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


... I listened to music from the movie 'the Piano' just for a few minutes but it took me somewhere else in time and space. Loved this movie, and specially loved the music. I feel absent oftent... then I come back to attend the kids, then again.... for how long.... I despair and I get calmed again and again... too much perhaps. Definitely I need to get out! this rain/snow weather for the past couple of weeks is keeping me indoors and going a bit crazy! sal solito calientame un poquito......
Will I do what I want to do one day.... ? hope, faith, patience for now.
night, noche.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Madonna was awesome! I loved her show, attitude, message.... her music better in the 80's but still she rocks! World Peace.... does not seem to be the human kind of way but we can always hope.

Rain rain rain.... cannot even get out to get some much needed things for kids. Forecast is to rain for the next few days... what about the full moon rising?? will miss it this time around. Still I will see you my friends in the face of the moon I imagine.

Friday, February 3, 2012


Anybody there? anyone reading me? not sure.... tell me who you are!

Started the day with bad thoughts, nervous, anxious but somehow unlike other times i was aware of these feelings and was able to control them, stop them for the most part. My kids helped. I realized what a gift it is to have every healthy day in our lives so I started dancing to Louis Armstrong. Then song number 6 came and I remembered a memorable time.  Yet, my mind is not here, not in this country...
having some mint tea.