Wednesday, May 22, 2013


finally a windy day! I guess not everyone craves wind as for example the people who live in tornado ally in the US. Here wind brings cooler cleaner air. It fills me with feelings of renovation, hope, inspiration, movement. That is what life is about, not stagnation but currents of air, of water, of feelings. For example listening to Vivaldi on a windy day makes you grow inside doesn't it? I feel that way. As much as I want to fight it ... feeling a bit more settle here.
Have a great day, a wonderful Memorial weekend.

Monday, May 13, 2013


again... do we really change or is it the situation that changes and we remain the same for the most part? I think so. We always had that feeling within us.
Spain: back, sun, sweet, nice, essences. 
Looking back at a year ago, and another year before that and again once more. What will it be a year from now? Better stay in the present. It is worth it.

May, must write about May, its colors, smells, breezes, silver waters, puffy clouds, warm sun, beautiful flowers all around us.
Good night my friends. Is anybody out there?