Monday, April 22, 2013


just a positive note:

Feeling good and wanting to transmit this feeling to you. It is important to feel well sometimes. All the time is better but impossible to my mind, so some is better than none. It is all about our surroundings, about our dreams, about our community, our little big minds that do all the work.
Integration is difficult, adaptation is another level. We fight, refuse, I don't want to, never! yet our fight with the surroundings eventually wins, wait who wins?... not sure but the end result is to feel better no matter what. The secret is in the little moments, the details.
Peace and CA always.


Saturday, April 6, 2013

Rise and Shine

love it. After over 3 years I finally start feeling better. All changes in our lives take time, sometimes a long time. Often it is not up to us to speed things up. All set and done, I breath easier. And I do say life is good. Looking forward to our future plans.
Have a great April weekend.