Saturday, December 22, 2012

so this is it

for 2012. One good thing is that the world did not end, how could it?
It was a tough year wasn't it? sad with so many tragedies around the world. Yet, for us that are still here lets start with the right foot, with smiles, health, laughs, loving, in-loved, with mercy and respect for the ones who were not as lucky as we were. Emotional times for everyone. May a warm long hug from a loved one last all year round. May you reach happiness as you may find it.

Tears and laughs, mixed feelings. Always hope for better times.
Peace to you, whomever is reading me. Love to the ones that already know it...
Happy Christmas, Prosperous New Year 2013.



Saturday, December 15, 2012


else matters when I am reading Christmas books to my children, it is a sense of peace, warmth that I wouldn't trade for anything. How lucky are we to be safe. Couldn't hold my tears this morning listening to President Obama's speech on the school tragedy.... a day filled with sadness. Something will be done this time to change policies. Such an impressive and respectable country in so many ways but this one.
Lots of home time lately with the kids being sick... me eating chocolate after chocolate bar.. it will eventually go somewhere right?

Good night of love and peace to you,

Monday, December 10, 2012


the little extra effort to make a difference, to make someone happy, to help someone. What are we here for anyway? We are a society, a community with a message of survival. We cannot live happily without others. The interactions with others are what makes us who we are and give us sense to this often strange place we are. How are we all the same but yet so different. Same feelings yet expressed in different ways depending on our society.

Finally a bit of cold spell here, wishing for snow... for the kids....
Love Tina Turner. Part of me stuck in the 90's.
Have a wonderful day.

Monday, December 3, 2012

rise and shine

... I used to write in the mornings, now I only get around to write after the kid's bed time.  Different mood, tired, dark, and day's over.
Wanted to share with you the amazing view I  had today of the Mount Olympus. After a day of clouds and rain yesterday, today was shining clear and windy. Just one cloud on top of the highest peak in Mount Olympus, looking just like a crown. I contemplated amply water, some commercial fishing boats and at the end there it rises the Mount Olympus. I thought to myself I was lucky for being able to see that on my way to school this morning.
Did you feel you had a lucky moment today?
Share it!

good night :)

Saturday, December 1, 2012


December, last month, last moon of 2012, so many things happened again in just one year. Finally some cooler weather coming this way. Miss the winter in MD, CA. Just now the tree leaves are falling, becoming yellowish.
Love the Sunday mornings in bed with my kids, 'we are in a big boat, and the pirates and crocodiles are all around us, but we are safe and cozy'.  Hugs, laughs, loving. It is timeless. Nothing else matters and... I feel lucky.
Have a wonderful day.
Time to put up the Christmas tree!


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

New post

Thank you music, thank you poems, thank you chocolate, thank you friends.  No matter were we are, no matter our timing, choose to smile. We must make the effort to change if we are unhappy.
Patience and hope must prevail.
Is it OK to miss something too much? melancholy, sadness are related to missing something. So how to stop missing? is it possible to live always missing something? wondering why? Life is now.
Happiness is made of little moments of the present and past.

Full moon but cloudy, looking forward to the next one, the last one of the year!

Off to bed,
Good night

Thursday, November 22, 2012


tuve un sueƱo, real, del pasado y del presente juntos. I didn't want to wake up. I was confused when I did. What does it mean? Is there a meaning? Should we follow our dreams? It made me think more and more..... oh nooooo!!

Happy day again.
nite nite

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Happy Thanksgiving to you, to all my Friends in the US. I wish we could share a meal together and celebrate. It is a very special day for me today. I hope you spend the day in the comfort of your close ones. Here a day to study for an exam. No celebration, only the one inside me thinking of you all.


Sunday, November 18, 2012


often taken for granted.... until something goes wrong and our world turns upside down. Take care of yourself, mind, and body. YOU are the most important. If you are well, the pieces fall into place. We need time for ourselves. We need to take care of ourselves. Be selfish a bit. Believe me, it is necessary.

In the meantime missing the Thanksgiving week in the US, missing so many events in my life that happened during this time prior years. Missing friends, closeness, warmth. And yes missing also the fall colors and weather, cooler, drier air, snow, wind. In that respect nothing much happening in this part of the world.

Have a wonderful night, a wonderful start of the week. Happy week.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012


in life, with the kids, with people, with the circumstances. We must have patience, it all arrives when it is time. Feeling guilty for being often mad at my kids. Why? kids = patience otherwise it does not work. Love their sweet comments, love their hugs, love their sweet little selves. Mama-mama-ma-maaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I get soft again, then tough and... soft.

I do need time for myself... I am going crazy.
besitos and nite nite

Sunday, November 11, 2012

como hablar

... can't find the right words in any language.... so much to say yet need to measure my words. still dreaming, still looking forward, still hoping. some day I will get there... because that is what I f***** want all right?

California with a smile.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Obama. The highlight of my week, my month! How I wish to be there to feel it even more. Despite the circumstances better to continue the daily routine, no matter what, go on, move forward, do not stop. It helps believe me. Something has changed in me and I feel great about it!
Enjoy the beautiful fall weather, somewhere sunny and crispy, colorful and cool, breezy and cloudy, sounds great to me.

Miss you,

Sunday, November 4, 2012


November, hola my friends. Lacking time to write and missing it so much. So why not make time to do the things we like right? a little of dose of selfishness is good for us. In fact it is an error not to think of ourselves more don't you think?
It is good to listen, it is good not to complain out loud, it is good to say positive things, to get out in the fresh air and breath. We are not alone... or are we? certainly feeling so lately.

Stay healthy and smile.

Tried to contact a friend at atmos but unable to reach him, are you still at UMCP? just in case you read me.

Monday, October 15, 2012

go go go

no time to stop and smell the flowers, no energy. Little pockets of time that I feel I need support, cannot do it all alone. Yet, there are my kids keeping me smiling with their unexpected sweet, funny comments. I struggle here, very much, but must go on.
Miss you. Have a wonderful day.

Monday, October 8, 2012


what is it about the windy days that bring the spirits up, that fill you up with energy?. Love the Fall, cooler, crispy, windy days.
"Mama me gusta mucho el viento" :)
And the sun and the sea and San Francisco.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


brings me back 10 years, 5 years, back to the present. Love the music. Recently found an old girlfriend in facebook. Great to hear from her again. Still wonder about all this turns in life, how we end up where we are, just crazy, unexpected life.

Off to start the week, new lessons to learn. Greek. Looking forward to do something for myself and only myself after 5 years. A little nervous but mostly excited.
Happy Columbus day to my friends in the US. Day off?
Enjoy it!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

up and down

Sometimes we are up sometimes we are down. Sometimes for no apparent reason, sometimes for medical reasons, often because our surroundings affect us much. Just a song can put you in a happy/sad, energetic mood. Life is not easy. Sometimes we feel content, we feel we have it pretty good. Then something unexpected happens, something invades our minds and it all changes quickly. The idea is to make this moments/time last less and less. To go back to enjoy what Today has to offer, switch back because if we focus on the bad we end up in misery, all of us. High spirits prevail, deep breath and go on.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Harvest Moon

September's moon, the full moon closest to the Autumn Equinox. That is why September is so special to me. Several days of full moon... yet not able to see it from here, too busy with buildings, too loud, no peace. There will always be next year.
Searching for meteorologist jobs, there's got to be something around here.
Reading and reading about being 'in the box' or 'out of the box', interesting ideas, perhaps a life changing book. "Leadership and Self-Deception", must read.
Miss you Carolina, California.
Good night.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My heart

pounding... for the lessons learnt, for not feeling fear, for not looking back, for new ideas that need to be put into practice. Carolina comes back. Still feeling I have small wings but perhaps getting larger all the way to comfort. The truth is that we cannot make everyone happy all the time. Such is life.
No fear.
How are you my Friends?
Good night.

Friday, September 21, 2012


September 22nd 2012. Love this time of the year, changes of colours, cooler, fresher, cleaner air, crispier nights, warmer clothes, blankets. It is a special month for many reason. Happy Birthdays, important dates in my life. I can say this September I feel something in me is changing. I feel better. I feel energy for once to do things. Ideas. Plans.
Babalus for my kids.
A great start of the Fall Season to you!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Is inspiration based on sadness? I think yes. I do have a smile now more often than before. Feeling perhaps it is here to stay? don't know the answer but I do know it feels nice. Life has changed alot in the past couple of years. Better to make the best of it, what else? for you and for me.
miss you in the higher latitudes.
good night.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Thank you life, because your are so worth living. Because there are so many special moments in each day. Because today is what counts. Not yesterday, not tomorrow, life is today, here, and now. I do not feel this way everyday of course but since I do today I wanted to share my feelings with you and perhaps it will be contagious.
Have a great September, beautiful month no matter where you are in the world.
Good night.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

No matter

where we are, we are the same aren't we? I find myself sitting here by my same desk, in a different home, different city, different walls around me, yet feeling the same.
Cannot see Nature from here yet it is close, I sense the sea, the water, the clouds, the stars. Thank you imagination  for making us fly, for making us free to think and imagine as we wish over and over again.
Good nite.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


walking around our new area.  Places that will become familiar with time: stores, supermarkets, cafes, bakeries,  pharmacies in every corner. One curious thing is that this country has the most pharmacies per area I have ever seen.
An important thing is to have the sea near by. Just walking a few minutes and there is a wonderful walk of the sea port and view of the mountains in the background... Yesterday there was a school of fish swimming near the surface making ripple waves with an oval shape, then the seagulls voracious, attacking and getting a fish at every dip. These 5 minutes made my day, made me richer inside. Thank you life for these little moments that make it all ok.

Good night.

Friday, August 31, 2012

August's Moon

is Full. Last full moon of the summer. It is a special night to celebrate the beginning of my favourite month of the year September. Welcome crispier air, longer nights, starry nights, beginning of a new chapter. Renovation.

Perhaps I could say I have 'changed my chip' no other way  BUT adapt and evolve or disappear. Still tough still dreaming still trying to make the best of it.

I know you are there CA, my friends, Pleasure Point, Natural Bridges, Capitola, Monterey Bay.
Miss you. See you all in the stars and moon tonight.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


silence near the sea, so loud I could hear it. My favourite part of the day. Nature, such beauty and peace around me. Under such conditions noone can be moody, nothing else matters in that moment when you enter the clear peaceful water... when looking up and seeing the mountains, the horizon. Life. Makes you want to reach out and grab. Do it!
Starry night. Sweet dreams my friends.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Love watching the Games. Love the dedication, bodies, faces, expressions. Different people, different cultures yet we all feel often the same for similar situations: Satisfaction, happyness, dissapointment, anger.
Looking forward to the Perseids Meteor Shower this Sunday night.
Will you come out and watch? I will see you there!

Lack of sleep.... bad thing.... must sleep tonight.
A kiss good night.

Saturday, August 4, 2012


the most important thing of all. Despite having lets say all, honor, beauty, money, fame, luxury... or nothing at all, no matter what in the end we just want to go home.  Have a happy life, peaceful, loving, healthy, together with our families. Is it that difficult to achieve?

Hot here, humid... longing for the fall refreshing days.
Good night California.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


full but cannot see it, cloudy for the first time in weeks! oh well but I did see it almost full the day before yesterday and saw you there.
I find myself so busy with the kids lately that some of the important things  to me are slipping away off my hands.
Watching the Olympics here and there, love it!
Friends help, hope for a change. As I read somewhere: 'if the situation cannot be changed we must change ourselves.'

Welcome August, love the fast shortening of the days. Love September. Love the fall. All coming up.
Good night.

Sunday, July 29, 2012


does not wait, life goes on. Events happen that mark our existence, some memorable some forgettable, better that way. Hard realizations of where we stand, what to do next? just stay calm and keep doing things your best, keep feeling good about yourself. It all happens for a reason.

Have a beautiful July night, almost over, almost full moon. Then it starts all over again.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


yes, this is public, so? I am aware of what I write, I enjoy it and it is my freedom to do so. My heart is beating fast, faster than usual. Seeking peace, calm, ways to make it work. Afraid, anxious but aware of the beauty around me. Family, friends, views, colors, horizon. Daily moments to scape, yet here I am and patience must prevail.
Miss you guys.
Have a wonderful summer night. From here to you, besos.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


good night. I miss you. Hope to be back one day... to stay.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


after reading from a fam/friend about Routine, just today I was longing the routine days. But slightly different. The starting routine schedule in September when kids go to school and I may have time for myself, to study, work, exercise, cook, read, music, rest, walk, shop until I drop (no, not really). Create my own routine, a clever one if possible that I would be able to look forward to every morning.  Routine has such boring connotation but it doesn't have to be. Make it great! it is your own time, live it! Ignore the problems, the anxiety, the exhaustion for a while and go for it! the day is yours.
Needed to cheer us up!
good night.

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Angel, are you there? with who should we be compared? or shouldn't we at all? how is that done? Change the chip!! I say, again how is that done?
Today I read something interesting: 'It is more honorable to have a life full of mistakes than a life of nothing at all.'
Life is here and now and to make our best our heart/mind cannot be somewhere else. Change the chip! Adapt! so easy to say... lalalalalala.
Good night and a big smile :D

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

little things

those little moments, are these what life is made out of that makes it worth living? Just a walk in the sun, near the water, near the sea port. That was all I needed it today to breath again. Just that scape, those minutes alone  free thinking.
Do you also wonder about the 'what if.....'  is it inevitable?
Off to bed, will be dreaming of the fireworks around my chosen country USA.
Happy 4th of July.
nite nite

Monday, July 2, 2012


breath, calm, panic, panic, yoga, breath. Hope is there however is changing shape. Trying to say and think pisitive however energy is running low.
Afraid but encouraged for the future. Things will change. I will make it happen. Writing always makes me relax.
Good afernoon Santa Cruz.

Saturday, June 30, 2012


Last night. A month of chaos, of change, heat, mixed feelings once again. It has been a while since I have time/peace to write. Wanted to wish you all a great start of July. Not my favourite month by far but at least a month to swim in the sea.
Make the best of it, my kids are the best of it now. Having messy icecream together, comminucating at higher levels with my 5 year old girl. Time sure flies. Yet I cannot say I am living my dream, can yo say that? I wish I could but so many things are far from what I wish for my life and the kids. We can't have it all, or can we?
No stars to see, no peace and silence, so why the move? not sure yet. I hope things will get better, I know there is a reason to everything in life. Every decision we make, it all affects our life's path.
I send a big hug to all of you, to my friends in CA, Monterey, Santa Cruz, San Francisco, MD, Spain and all around the world.
A smile to take it to your favourite place.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


of the day. At least we will always have that. Yesterday we had a gay parade here, loved watching it. Of course the 2 goals of Spain against France made me smile, feel proud. Today a powerful thunderstorm, heavy rain, wild winds, lovely smell, beautiful. My son saying 'mama cierra la puerta que se escapa el gato' funny!
missing you

Friday, June 22, 2012


excitement, emptiness, euphoria, stress, exhaustion, mixed feelings. New beginning? No, continuation but on a better mood I hope. Breath, relax, it is all going to be OK. You are there :) up in the stars, far into the horizon, floating in the water. Communication breakthrough?
May have a chance to see the Auroras Borealis this winter.
Have a wonderful summer night.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


inspirational, calms feelings, awakes others. Memories of the past that are present to hunt me and to make me grateful.
Almost summer, the sun rises near 6am and so do I. My heart is beating fast with the upcoming events. Yesterday I had to pause and had a yoga session that make me breath, think clear. Even though the rebel part of me does not think straight or does it? and the part of me that set things straight perhaps is not so. Always present my American part of me.
Buah! 'your simply the best'
Have a wonderful day. Here hot, sunny, dry, hairdryer air gusts.
Missing you CA.

Monday, June 11, 2012


wave.... near 40C for the next 3 days.... and packing. Lots of icecream, ice, water. The time to rest will arrive soon. Euphoria, waiting for the cool breeze. Sometimes better not to think further, keep working.
Have a great day!

Friday, June 8, 2012


buenos dias to you :) just thinking of you and wishing you a great weekend.
lets soak up the sun... la la lalalala here, in Monterey Bay, SF, Spain, DC, Germany, all around.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


amazingly beautiful, impressive event, the Transit of Venus 2012. For me it put things into perspective. The universe is grandiose, beyond us. Perhaps it would help to put our little/big issues into another dimension. Not complicated, simple, transparent, with character, bravery. Can we make it happen and appreciate what comes to us?

The simple things, clean air, view of the horizon, smell of flowers.
Have a wonderful day! look ahead.

Monday, June 4, 2012


Night I contemplated the full moon over my bedroom's sky window. The last full moon I will view from here. I saw many of you there. It was peaceful, symmetric, full, blue and white and grey, some clouds around it, such beauty. And it was quiet, silence all around. This I will miss. Thessaloniki, new home, will have other moons but none like the ones from here.

I saw a great friend of mine at the Acropolis the other day. Such nice memories, nice times together. I know it won't be long before we meet again.

Off to start the day. Enjoy today because it's here and now.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


fresh, organic when possible. But a little of the bad stuff does not hurt right? I think it even helps our system to get stronger. Love the colorful fruits and veggies. My favourite is papaya, Mexican papaya I must add, watermelon, avocados, red beets, peanut butter puffs from the kiosk.

Are our decisions final? feeling perhaps I have not made the right decision but now it is too late. Perhaps afraid of change... you can always go back... no not really. When a decision is done to go back it has consequences, usually tough ones.

Decided to stop reading the news for a few days at least... they make my stomach upside down.
How lucky we are.
See you in the moon, almost perfectly round.
Good night and a smile :D

Friday, June 1, 2012


Thoughts connect us, ideas, dreams, the stars.

Must say that at the end of the day, my children, their health, their little selves win.

Have a beautiful June night. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


how you are all doing. Me? with a cold for many days. It makes me appreciate how important our health is. And yes most of us do take it for granted. I always remember a good friend of mine with a chronic disease, she is just a happy person. She appreciates intensively the time when she is feeling well, without pain and life is great. Her attitude, her love for life, her sweetness is contagious when you are around her.

Are we really that different, men and women? the basic needs are the same I think. Perhaps the way we process life is different.

I like to write because it makes me think deeper about ideas, feelings and I learn about myself. What do I like? what do I want? or sometimes easier: what do I don't like? what do I don't want? Because us as parents often forget who we are, what we want, always prioritizing and we end up at the end of the list. Can we live a life wanting something we cannot have? should we keep dreaming about it? or does it become a torment?
Looking forward to the weekend to see a good Friend of mine from PR.

Good night and a smile :) see you in the stars.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Happy day off to my Friends in US. Happy Summer. Always remember the holidays in US, miss them so much. Here it is different, different feeling, attitude, mostly religious holidays. Could it be that we change ourselves so much that are able to adapt to the environment around us? why do some people adapt much easier than others? If I knew this was temporal, or perhaps by choice I guess I could adapt easier... but... not the case.
Definitely changes  are coming. Feeling it already in me. I think it will be for the best. Major changes mean closure for the period just ending, bitter sweet... bitter bitter sweet. Will try to keep in me only the few dear memories. Intrigued about the future. Never forgetting the past. Trying hard for the present.
Great day to you.

Friday, May 25, 2012


cloudy, rainy, cool, love it. Cannot take the heat and plain sunny weather day after day.
Hi to all of you that read me all around the world, and a hug too!
The clouds are constantly changing, shape, direction, in harmony with the environment.
I have a collection of thoughts, photographs, writings that I will put together one day. A list of dreams. I tell you 2 of them: to watch an Aurora, to visit Antarctica.
Nite nite.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


... Just to wish you a good night. Always here, thinking, with ideas. Trying to relax and enjoy. No bitter thoughts only sweet dreams of past and future. What is life about? the little short everyday moments, memories that brings us comfort and stay with us, in a little place of our hearts.
Have a great one!

Monday, May 21, 2012


I will be good with or without you... CA? no... probably not. Coming back to read my Meteorology books, trying to hide there to find myself again. I am a mother above all but also a woman, a meteorologist.  Need to work hard to find these two parts of me that only music and books bring me to them.
How long do I need? not to feel a foreigner... will I ever?
Have a great smiley sunny, cloudy, windy, foggy, rainy, tempesty day!

Friday, May 18, 2012


just to wish you a great relaxing weekend. I will try the same.
For example: Every time I clean the house, among other times, I get these thoughts in my mind... of somewhere far west...
Learning to appreciate the daily peace and calm of the routine, expected, comfortable, predictable.... sometimes.
Good night.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


windy day. Love days like this.
Quiet starry night.
Wish you have a wonderful one!

Monday, May 14, 2012


... fire ... frustration.... end of something, beginning of something else. My heart filled with remembering ... but no, not sad please, all but sad...inevitable. Looking forward for what is to come. Is it possible? away for a while... not forever. That is what I hope and who knows someday our dreams may come true. Changes are good. So much but can't.
yes always a smile ;)

Sunday, May 13, 2012


excitement, happiness, anxious, nervous... thinking what is next, what to make next. Of course make the best out of everything, every situation... but sometimes I wonder how, what is the right thing to do. In the mirror I look at my self and I see also you. Is it me?
Quiet is good, calm is great.
Eternity is the best.
Good night.

Friday, May 11, 2012


thunderstorms all around, windy, wild. Light blue skies in the dark black. There I see myself, friends, special people in my life. Difficult communication ... with my kids. Must remember it is only temporary.
Blink again, first gut feeling.. very important, no need to think further.
'Family Man', the movie, have you seen it? I love it.
Off to watch the sky.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


and giggles... anxious... cannot sleep well.... excitement. Looking forward to read more. Rainbows, storms, sun rays through the clouds, birds, flowers. La primavera la sangre altera?
Have a great day!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


of you today.... disappointments... life has appointments, disappointments, ups, downs. It is only up to us to make it better. To make the hard times last less and less because life goes on and no one waits... Cruel life in many ways.  Some people belief our lives are a dream. What is that mean, that it can get much worse? that life is wonderful? at the end of the day the people you choose to be with or the people you allow in your life are who make up who we are. Trial and error, fall and get up. There are good people out there.... somewhere.
hope you come visit me someday.

Monday, May 7, 2012


inside the calm... relative/absolute chaos in the economical and political world.... some live it real, others ignore it. I chose to ignore it whenever possible. What goes on within you is what makes you who you are.
It is going to be OK no matter what. Mayan culture beliefs the world will come to an end in 2012....

Enjoying the view now: Mount Olympus at the distance, cargo ships, water water water.

Hawaii hola.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Hello! the month of the closest moon to Earth, the month  of changes, flowers, plain sunny beautiful but boring weather. I smile but am unsettle with the changes coming our way... I wish for quiet, silence, west west west and I get the opposite... what am I doing wrong??
have a great night.

Saturday, April 28, 2012


this grey wet morning. Love days like this, relax, listen to the rain and wind, colors, catnaps. Not allowed to feel down.... no, only fortunate to have all we have, to appreciate nature as is.
Watching beautiful pics from Hawaii, thinking of my friends in CA. Specially one that loves the rain more than anyone! :)
Somebody said: looking at pics is like being there, you can fly so high that you don't need to be there... really? trying this hard but nope!

looking forward to what is to come... what else.
Have a brilliant day!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

let go

still trying, daily, hourly, always. Is it possible? it does help to change something to  be able to let go... new ideas, new air, fresh environment.

Thank you songs, thank you women, men second... for making me feel this way.

Monday, April 23, 2012


I like, I like asymmetry, chaos, intense weather.

I read something yesterday that made me cry:

"Para ser alguien aqui y ahora,
hay que renunciar a ser otro, en otra parte o mas tarde."
Vladimir Jankelevitch

Have a great Spring day!

Sunday, April 22, 2012


from ... loved ones, familiar faces, familiar smells. Much needed time spent in good company and places. It feels like I never get enough ... already looking forward to the next time..... it never gets easy. But on a good note, yes, very positive and glad to build such memories.
There is something special about the first time for everything, about inexperiences that bring such smiles, anticipation and happiness to most of us. At airplane take off: some bored or hating it, wanting to arrive already, others with big smiles, taking pictures, amazed. Happiness and laughs at landing, fun times, excitement. A lesson to learn: to keep the feeling of the first time, to keep that 'inexperience' with us because that is what life is about. It is a beautiful world with wonderful sensations that we must keep with us. Those are precious moments. Try to make them last, to be that inexperience human, a first timer once again and again and all over again.

Enjoy your Earth Day!
Missing you.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


to feel this way! Changes.... bring hope. Release of pressure a bit. Looking forward to see some very special people in my life. Sometimes it all happens at once... not gradually, just BOOM!
Again thank you books, music, and horizon for helping me relax and be able to absorb one thing at a time.
Happy Easter. Happy day.
Away for a while.
Besos a todos and a smile.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Alabin alaban

alabinbonban... feeling it! time has come to fly! still worrying, still loosing sleep over stuff but perhpas leaving all these behind for a break.... why not? me gusta, me gustas tu!
Have a great day!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


The story of Success. Great Book! Honestly I think it made me a better person to read this book. It opened my eyes and helped me understand the value of timing and opportunities, the importance to read, to learn, to make the best of everyone and each chance we cross. It made me think of my kids and of how to give them the best education and opportunities available. Such important concepts. Very much enjoyed his writing style, his examples. I want to read more!!!

Cloudy to see that almost full moon of April.... Happy to fly away.... Tired of the routine... one of those days.
Still we have the night to dream on.
Nite nite.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Feelings since 2 years ago.... I guess it is good. New plans, new faces, new ideas. I like it. Realization of changes, new books in mind. But most of all, family time that I need so much.
Beautiful moon in sight.
Success... it is all about timing, opportunities, dedication, but most of all the right time and the right opportunities, what do you think? In other words bad timing... no opportunities, life changing decisions.

Off to bed early, have a great one.

Saturday, March 31, 2012


Back.... do you? once a decision is made better to look forward to it and leave the past behind... easier said than done. Another life changing decision. Once again... 2 years later. Something for the better I hope. Still, not what my dreams are but trying to come to terms with what this may mean, what this may bring for all of us.
Looking at the stars before bedtime. Looking out the window every morning, colors, horizon, mountain, piece of sea, clean air. After all these are the things I came to appreciate here in this village... hostile to me otherwise. The quiet atmosphere, only the sounds of the kids and nature.... all these will be missed but replaced by other memories.

Bright and Sunny Beautiful Spring day.... April 2012.... Felicidades a mi hermanita.... que la quiero mucho.Wishing you a better year with peace and love.

Mom and son day today! fun projects!!
have a wonderful day you too.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Are necessary. No matter what society, what culture around the globe, we all react the same way to injustice and corruption with the same anger, the same frustration, the same fights. Tibet, Madrid, Athens, NYC, DC, Middle East, Far East and the list goes on.
Changes bring uncertainty, uneasiness, doubts, fear but also hope, excitement, some kind of calm and peace of mind for a perhaps easier life.
A-ma-zing sunsets in Thessaloniki..... in California.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


is good... with all its tones. I can hear it. For peace of mind it's necessary not for lack of communication. For me it is silence and explosion nothing in between.

 The best thing about DST are the sunrise colors. I would prefer no DST otherwise.
Have a great day. Keep reminding myself that this day will not come back. Smile :D

Saturday, March 24, 2012



Spring fever that is! it is real! 9am sunny, 18C the kids running out in the balcony like crazy... but the best part is a note from a special friend this morning ;-) hola! holita! wish I was there.
Silly laughs with the kids! Popeye, Tom and Jerry. Not bad considering the news around the world. How important it is my mood to my kids! they are my reflexion. Lets have a great day!
Miss you.

Friday, March 23, 2012


Moon. I like it, dark, more stars visible over the window. Feeling small when looking at them but big inside. Comfort, I like that word, that feeling, I want it, some comfort here.
Excited with some projects in mind, perhaps moving out. These are big words... only patience, calm, is what I follow. Yet sometimes a push is good. No more calm, no more patience, time to act! to decide, to talk, to express yourself from inside out. Wipe away tears, close eyes and move on.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


a ti, ya sabes quien eres. La persona mas importante en mi vida. Gracias por tus consejos, por tu apoyo incondicional, por estar ahi siempre. Gracias por recordarme quien soy y animarme a seguir adelante. Como bien dices eso de ir de victima no funciona. Hay que volar. Tu sabes que yo antes volaba, alto. Ahora mi vuelo es diferente pero con ganas y pasion por desplegarme de nuevo, volar, salir de aqui.... esperanza es lo que tengo y siempre tendre. Te echo de menos. Te quiero mucho. Buenas noches.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


... is free. A friend, trust, respect, consideration, passion, to tell you I love you.... to need someone. Support, share and to rely on someone. Is it only in dreams? can it last? do we understand our feelings? do we control them?

Eleni is sweet, adorable, such an easy character. I sometimes get upset at her but she never gets upset at me. She lets go so easily, so pure.
Love the music by Sarah McLachlan.
Have a beautiful night, sleep well.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Hola, welcome day and night, welcome sun and flowers, welcome colors and smells, welcome open windows and fresh air, welcome little bugs and butterflies, welcome strawberries, welcome playground. Third Spring in Greece... never thought I would last this long here... anxious for what the future holds, looking forward for some changes, starting a new era. I am Carolina, and I have been forgotten for quite sometime now... I need... must find myself because I have big plans and time does not wait.
Can't help but think of the injustices of the world... of the poor kids being shot at schools, of the poor Syrians killed everyday and how no one talks about them.. their life is just as important as ours! shit.... how my kids have everything and I see kids with nothing... I give, clothes, toys, but it is never enough.

Still, I am sure we all welcome Spring, because it is nothing but nice.

Enjoy the equinox.
love and hugs to all.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


the movie. San Francisco.... my city, the city of my dreams, memories, views, smells, colors.... I know many of us know these feelings. Better not to think about it I say. The present is here. Today, beautiful weather, outing with nice company. My kids speaking Greek, talking Greek... it feels strange to me. It is such a different culture... I feel distant to it.
There is always time to fly... I know I will soon.
This is an exciting week, beginning of Spring, new moon, renovation, closer to April!

Friday, March 16, 2012


for having our health, our families, our homes, our food. Thank you clean water, electricity, so many resources that are so important and yet many people around the globe lack. Not fair... the world lacks justice. Thank you opportunities. Thank you chocolate for making our lives sweeter.
Have a wonderful night.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


It really is a beautiful name. He got a haircut... by me... and he asked 'duele?? ' then after the event he said 'mama parezco un marciano con antenas!' :)
Yesterday was not a good day.... but again it is over. Today is better. However I still wonder about the same things day after day, will I ever?... buah! I hope one day I will.
Do we need 10.000 hours, 10 years of practice to become good at something? I mean elite! I guess I am not elite on anything. It makes me wonder how soon should I get my kids involved into something that they will enjoy and practice and practice. Will they miss their chance if they don't start soon?
Have a great day! spring really is in the air! yahooooooo! ;)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


How important is it the place you raise your kids in? the environment around you, the culture, society? how will these factors affect your kids future lives? Are we born with talents or practice practice makes us talented? ... I think the second ... but also we need the time and opportunities to succeed... buff just thinking.... as Master Oogway (Kung Fu Panda) said "There are no accidents" :-)

Monday, March 12, 2012


Gladwell. Loved it. A few posts back I commented on how much should we trust our intuition, our gut feeling. How about in small, everyday life, decisions to think thoroughly... how about on life changing situations to trust your instinct, your unconscious without thinking too much, just listen to your first instinct... not what we usually do right?
Contempt... the worst feeling someone could have in a relationship..... bad sign..... I feel it.... just radom thoughts about the book. Have you read it?
So... what is your favourite part of the day? to me it is the morning coffee, although not quiet, not silence but it is somehow relaxing. The view over the window of our apartment it is also important, the mountain and sun rising over the horizon. That is quiet.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Gump... One of my favourite movies. The movie and the feelings that it brings me, the memories of CA, DC, the music. I feel sad... but happy. Life goes on... I do know the day will arrive... somehow that i will feel free again that I will live the life I wish. Noone can take away your dreams, noone can control your thoughts.
New week, new chances, new wind. Can't wait to see my family, friends. Miss ya!
nite nite. and big smile ;))

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Amigos. I haven't written in a couple of days and I miss it, I miss you.  Just when I needed a bit of inspiration, I raised my eyes and there it was... the full moon trying to show in between the clouds. The moon with a veil as my good friend described it. After intense feelings ... down... it gets better. True, when you are already down you can only go up. Home sweet home, no matter what, home is such a special place. I wish I could feel these way about everything else.
Have you seen the short animation (pixar) film Boundin? bounce bounce bounce and rebounce la la lalalala. Love it!
Wow again the noon is amazing... that is the advantage to live on the 5th floor with no other buildings covering that piece of sky.
Have a wonderful night... because the night is for lovers....

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


 gestures, say so much. So much of a person, of their feelings, of a country, of a culture. Here in Greece people gesticulate alot more than in the US and even Spain. Faces that go with the lifestyle, with the state of crisis, with the state of mind. I wish I could be a mind reader.... at least know alot more about the face, the moves of muscles that say so much with just a blink. The tone of voice also, the intonation in the words that are emphasized. The looks ..... Funny, when I walk around Madrid, I feel one more, part of the society, integrated, we are alike... here I feel such a foreigner. In the US I felt integrated, I always did, specially in California, relaxed, part of the country. These are subtle things that do matter alot to me.
Good to hear that a friend in Boston may be reading this soon :)
buenas noches.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


... should we follow our dreams? should we change them to make someone else happy? should we put them in the back burner until the right time comes around? that is what I am doing never give up on dreams but wait until it is the right time..... yet again... will it ever be the right time?
Today again job searching.
Have a great day!! :-)

Friday, March 2, 2012


Morning.... zero sleep last night.... Eleni is sick and woke up several times. On top of things she woke up at 6 am, end result = no sleep. Waiting for nap  time now. It is a beautiful sunny morning, temps will be near 20! :)

What ever happens happens and it is for the best... you make it be. Love that American saying 'you gotta do what you gotta do'. Heard some news from a friend that is moving to Hawaii.... pretty cool.... awesome, beginning of an amazing adventure. All the best to you!

Anyway we are in March and my kids are still stuck in Xmas time, watching xmas videos and singing xmas songs..... I keep telling them the Easter bunny will arrive soon!
Did I tell you?? going to Madrid in April! :-)
Have a great day!!!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Welcome! I love this month! it is going to be a nice one! :-) I can feel the breeze already.
Have a great day!

February 29

definitely a special day. Because tomorrow is March and March is a month of wind, changes, cold, warm, storms, tornados, wild weather that I love. Today was a special day for many reasons: for having read about close friends,  for having had a wonderful day with the kids. A day with laughs, games, kisses, water color, pinkpanther laughs, sweet warm times, memories. And it was a windy partly cloudy day too, all matters. Feeling close but far, always a combination. 2016 where will we be on this date? hope closer to my dreams than now.
Thank you writers, thank you books, thank you music, thank you artists, thank you friends and family for making life so much better. Some days the words flow out of my fingers, today is not one of them.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Hi! I managed to scape 1/2 hour to go in a quiet room and do some yoga postures... I felt great! forgot how good for the body and soul this is. Do it! do it! everything about yoga is positive: exercise muscles, quiet time, peaceful moments to listen to yourself and body. Hope to do it again tomorrow and the day after and the day after.... for myself, I deserve it! smiles! ;-)

Friday, February 24, 2012


surprise reading this morning! you are there! :-) what a special smily moment I had. My heart beats more. The sunshine today is warm and wonderful... finally after a long winter here in Greece! really! all is relative.
Still stuck on these moments that really make  a life, moments that make decisions, that make sense out of all the mess...Happyness is a big word... but perhaps these fast seconds, moments of warmth are it.
That 'Soak up the Sun' song really cheers me up every time! Life is here now. Thoughts of the foggy then sunny Montery mornings... such special times, people, memories, music, waves, food, working out and feeling great. Still in my mind as if it was yesterday. Hope.

Monday, February 20, 2012


"I'm crackers about cheese" Wallace and Grommit. We love it.
Back at home... it feels good. After all despite so many things I dislike here, our home is not one of them. Very important. And it is because it is our little big home. Beautiful views of sunrise that make the start of the day fresh and feeling lucky. A piece of sea  peaks through the window, a big mountain towards the south: blue, with its varying colours, shades, clouds, fogs, snow, it is different everyday. It is freezing cold though... but only a couple of month of the year. The kids are happy here, space, big balcony, after all that is the most important.
How could it be that sometimes we just have an instinct about something. Just a couple of seconds it's plenty to have that gut feeling and we don't need to think it further.... can we trust that? or... should we give it another chance to change our mind?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Road Trip

Once again, road trip to Thessaloniki. They always made me feel, think, silence, views passing by quickly, quiet times, looking forward and yet feeling the past all around. Songs that take you to the past. ... feeling melancholic... sad.... Were you the same person back then? It feels so different. Another life. Another planet. Another era... yet it was just a few years back.
My views now are breathtaking, the port of Thessaloniki, the fog in the distance allows to barely see the commercial ships anchored for the night. My favorite thing to do here is to take a walk, alone, with my music. Getting ready for it.... lucky!

Monday, February 13, 2012


politics... never been a great fan of politics. Just voted for Obama, democrat/green/peace/bio. Don't want to talk about Greece.
I feel close to US. I felt heart pain for Whitney. Try to follow the news in my continent as much as possible. I feel it all affects me, it is part of me. Yet I am here, far away, not only in another continent but in a different planet with androids walking around.... yeah.. I am tired... one day.. I know the day will come.
Today the sun came out after about 2 weeks of clouds/rain/snow. I felt the sun in my face, warm, light, alive! my kids danced and I smiled. Is that it?
Had some thoughts to share.. but now.. I forgot!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


... I listened to music from the movie 'the Piano' just for a few minutes but it took me somewhere else in time and space. Loved this movie, and specially loved the music. I feel absent oftent... then I come back to attend the kids, then again.... for how long.... I despair and I get calmed again and again... too much perhaps. Definitely I need to get out! this rain/snow weather for the past couple of weeks is keeping me indoors and going a bit crazy! sal solito calientame un poquito......
Will I do what I want to do one day.... ? hope, faith, patience for now.
night, noche.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Madonna was awesome! I loved her show, attitude, message.... her music better in the 80's but still she rocks! World Peace.... does not seem to be the human kind of way but we can always hope.

Rain rain rain.... cannot even get out to get some much needed things for kids. Forecast is to rain for the next few days... what about the full moon rising?? will miss it this time around. Still I will see you my friends in the face of the moon I imagine.

Friday, February 3, 2012


Anybody there? anyone reading me? not sure.... tell me who you are!

Started the day with bad thoughts, nervous, anxious but somehow unlike other times i was aware of these feelings and was able to control them, stop them for the most part. My kids helped. I realized what a gift it is to have every healthy day in our lives so I started dancing to Louis Armstrong. Then song number 6 came and I remembered a memorable time.  Yet, my mind is not here, not in this country...
having some mint tea.

Monday, January 30, 2012

it's winter

Hi. Time out time out... so tired of giving time outs! of being in this situation without alternative plan... patience patience. Time is my hope.
In the meantime, today there is snow here in Greece. Never thought Greece gets that cold! but yeap! and mainly because the houses are so badly insulated that your feet and nose are always cold! Can't wait for the Spring.

Monday, January 16, 2012

time now

11pm in Greece, 1pm in California, always thinking about her. It has been 12 years since I left CA, but only 2 years since I left US. Not sure how it happened but instead of moving towards CA I moved away far away. There are so many big things and little things that I miss daily. Yet, here i am now, this is where we live at least for now. I despair and I am unable to share these feelings around me. Life is short, yes, I keep this in mind and do try to enjoy the beauty around me. Greece is for sure one thing, a beautiful country geographycally.