Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Road Trip

Once again, road trip to Thessaloniki. They always made me feel, think, silence, views passing by quickly, quiet times, looking forward and yet feeling the past all around. Songs that take you to the past. ... feeling melancholic... sad.... Were you the same person back then? It feels so different. Another life. Another planet. Another era... yet it was just a few years back.
My views now are breathtaking, the port of Thessaloniki, the fog in the distance allows to barely see the commercial ships anchored for the night. My favorite thing to do here is to take a walk, alone, with my music. Getting ready for it.... lucky!


  1. Growing roots...I have found the place to grow roots but it is not where I am now. Dilema. This place is a place that I have lived before, that I feel welcome, that I have warm memories, friends, family, work opportunities, family friendly, language friendly. .... Is it possible to grow roots in a place you don't feel welcome, you don't agree with its culture and values and way of living? Sometimes I listen to the news and just feel thankful for living my life. Is life always going to be like this? here, yet not here?
    off to bed with this thought.
    good night.

  2. rise and shine...
    I wasn't able to take a walk this time... sick kids... no time to get out at all. At least there is always the song that cheers me up 'soak up the sun'! Wedding pics around, past times, feels far away.
    Anyway tired of always feeling the same way, tired of feeling tired! :)
    There is a kite day comming up here, i love kites, fly them... hope we can find one good one and the weather cooperates, would love to take the kids out in the wind.
    Miss you family, friends.... besos
    need inspiration to write.
