Wednesday, April 25, 2012

let go

still trying, daily, hourly, always. Is it possible? it does help to change something to  be able to let go... new ideas, new air, fresh environment.

Thank you songs, thank you women, men second... for making me feel this way.


  1. Sí, siempre en marcha, porque parar es morir. Nuestro futuro lo hacemos una y otra vez, no está determinado. Nuestro pasado ya está hecho, pero tampoco está determinado, cada dia lo vemos distinto y según como lo veamos proyectamos nuestro futuro. Fijar el pasado o el futuro tranquiliza, pero no es real porque la vida es mas compleja, mas divertida.

  2. traslation :)
    Yes, always in motion, because stopping is to die. Our future we do over and over again, is not determined. Our past is done, but it is not determined, every day we see different and the way we see it we project our future. Setting the past or the future reassures but is not real because life is more complex, more fun.

  3. hola :) very true. We are very much a projection of our past experiences and memories. As much as we want to say life is now and here, it projects on past events. All is there, cannot be erased unless we loose memory. Sometimes I consider people lucky when they have great memory, other times not so much. I heard once from a friend with very good memory that he wished not to remember everything so well... because it hurt.

    Order, stability, predictability help to calm down. I need some of all but not too much. Can't help it but remember CA, MD often, very often. Miss you.
