true, what is most important, the best part of the day is when you are close to your kids, your loved ones. But the other time also matters right? it also makes you who you are. Is this it? I do love the feeling of getting in bed, under 5 blankets, looking at the night sky through the roof window and wake up with the view of sea and mountains as I sit on the bed. Yes, I am lucky for this. I dedicate my writing to you. Wish I was there.
true, what is most important, the best part of the day is when you are close to your kids, your loved ones. But the other time also matters right? it also makes you who you are. Is this it? I do love the feeling of getting in bed, under 5 blankets, looking at the night sky through the roof window and wake up with the view of sea and mountains as I sit on the bed. Yes, I am lucky for this. I dedicate my writing to you. Wish I was there.