Tuesday, May 8, 2012


of you today.... disappointments... life has appointments, disappointments, ups, downs. It is only up to us to make it better. To make the hard times last less and less because life goes on and no one waits... Cruel life in many ways.  Some people belief our lives are a dream. What is that mean, that it can get much worse? that life is wonderful? at the end of the day the people you choose to be with or the people you allow in your life are who make up who we are. Trial and error, fall and get up. There are good people out there.... somewhere.
hope you come visit me someday.


  1. If life is a dream or not, it makes no difference, what is important for us is not what happens but what we see and what we interpret of that. That is what makes us happy or unhappy. Thus, finally our real life maybe is what we dreams about it.

  2. I like what you say, very true. :)
