Monday, January 19, 2015


hope to be able to see them one day or better yet to see them many days. Have you seen one? I always thought I would be so amazed when I see one that the energy and the power of it will stay with me for a long time. Just seeing pics of them make me fly to a better place, with Nature, silence, quietness and love. South Pole sounds like a good place to me. Vostok with my partner in life.
Have a wonderful day where ever you are. Don't pursue happiness, be the happiness!

Monday, January 12, 2015

what have I done

every decision taken at any given time, has tremendous effects in our life, in our paths for the rest of our days. Sometimes, too often I doubt my choices, perhaps it is human kind to doubt everything. But wouldn´t it just feel nice to be right sometimes, not to doubt, just enjoy the ride of life now with passion and euphoria. The unexpected is welcome, doubts are welcome, figure it out and move on. January and yet feeling this way

Yeah... yeah... I need a change, I will change something and continue living, i hope it is as easy as that.
Have a great evening my friends around the world. You are always in my heart and hope to see you someday again. In the meantime, all my best wishes for a great today.
