Saturday, December 21, 2013


Welcome to my favourite season. Happy Winter Soltice. Welcome with warmth.
One day I will see you up there Northen Lights, wait for me I am coming. Feeling the changes.
Good night,

One more year....

has passed. Another challenging year and it is not over yet. Thankful to have made it one more year. Thankful for so many things. First of all, my family, my kids make me be a better person each day, my husband for the look in his beautiful eyes that makes me feel once in a while, it will all be ok.  My family, here, in Spain, in CA, I miss you daily. Painful realization to grow old with out you near. Yet thankful to have you always there for me. Xmas has always been a special time to me, melancholic time. I miss my friends in the US, a life that seems so far away now yet still so close and such a big part of my life.
Thankful for having meet some very special people in the Northen countries. Greatful for being filled with love.
A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you. Lets hope for a good year, a great year. Just a peaceful year will suffice.
Lessons learnt: take care of yourself, you are very important.
CA you are always in my heart and will always be. You have become part of my name and will always have  a light in my heart.
All of you, you know who you are. I miss you. I send you love.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


that is what I want, absolute silence... is it that difficult? very tired today.
Had great fun with the kids listening to
so simple yet so brilliant.
Dream away, listen to the sound of silence if you can, it is beautiful when you can hear it.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Hello hello hola!

Finally this works! :-) I have been missing writing alot.
Well, close to the end of the year again. Remembering memories lived, not taking anything for granted, living the moment and only the moment otherwise, life is almost sad, filled with regrets. Living the moment. New wringkles, white hairs, yet feeling healthy and fit. Looking forward almost all the way.
Happy to make others happy, happy to see my kids smiling.
missing you always,