Saturday, December 22, 2012

so this is it

for 2012. One good thing is that the world did not end, how could it?
It was a tough year wasn't it? sad with so many tragedies around the world. Yet, for us that are still here lets start with the right foot, with smiles, health, laughs, loving, in-loved, with mercy and respect for the ones who were not as lucky as we were. Emotional times for everyone. May a warm long hug from a loved one last all year round. May you reach happiness as you may find it.

Tears and laughs, mixed feelings. Always hope for better times.
Peace to you, whomever is reading me. Love to the ones that already know it...
Happy Christmas, Prosperous New Year 2013.



Saturday, December 15, 2012


else matters when I am reading Christmas books to my children, it is a sense of peace, warmth that I wouldn't trade for anything. How lucky are we to be safe. Couldn't hold my tears this morning listening to President Obama's speech on the school tragedy.... a day filled with sadness. Something will be done this time to change policies. Such an impressive and respectable country in so many ways but this one.
Lots of home time lately with the kids being sick... me eating chocolate after chocolate bar.. it will eventually go somewhere right?

Good night of love and peace to you,

Monday, December 10, 2012


the little extra effort to make a difference, to make someone happy, to help someone. What are we here for anyway? We are a society, a community with a message of survival. We cannot live happily without others. The interactions with others are what makes us who we are and give us sense to this often strange place we are. How are we all the same but yet so different. Same feelings yet expressed in different ways depending on our society.

Finally a bit of cold spell here, wishing for snow... for the kids....
Love Tina Turner. Part of me stuck in the 90's.
Have a wonderful day.

Monday, December 3, 2012

rise and shine

... I used to write in the mornings, now I only get around to write after the kid's bed time.  Different mood, tired, dark, and day's over.
Wanted to share with you the amazing view I  had today of the Mount Olympus. After a day of clouds and rain yesterday, today was shining clear and windy. Just one cloud on top of the highest peak in Mount Olympus, looking just like a crown. I contemplated amply water, some commercial fishing boats and at the end there it rises the Mount Olympus. I thought to myself I was lucky for being able to see that on my way to school this morning.
Did you feel you had a lucky moment today?
Share it!

good night :)

Saturday, December 1, 2012


December, last month, last moon of 2012, so many things happened again in just one year. Finally some cooler weather coming this way. Miss the winter in MD, CA. Just now the tree leaves are falling, becoming yellowish.
Love the Sunday mornings in bed with my kids, 'we are in a big boat, and the pirates and crocodiles are all around us, but we are safe and cozy'.  Hugs, laughs, loving. It is timeless. Nothing else matters and... I feel lucky.
Have a wonderful day.
Time to put up the Christmas tree!
